Monday, 23 March 2009

Fear Factor

I am a coward. I am scared of a thousand different things, starting from lizards to snakes to fire to ghosts... I am scared of being run over by a bus while I cross the road.... I can never come down from an escalator because I am scared I will fall, and I am shit scared of staying alone in a house. In fact, there are so many things that frighten me all the time, that I often wonder how the hell am I surviving this scary world? The weird part is, I don't recall being scared of a lot of things in childhood... For example, I was never uncomfortable with heights as a child, or even a teenager. When I got that nut loose in my head is quite a mystery to me today. Similarly, I cant recall when and how I started fearing the prospect of staying alone at home. The phobea is so acute now that when my husband is away I either make a friend stay over or plonk myself at someone's place... This is the same me who has stayed alone, that too in funny places till about two years back.

However, I do know how I have developed my latest fear of travelling in cars. Last year we had an accident on the road, a head-on collision on a hilly area. Nothing happened to any one of us, expcept for the fact that now I start sweating and get extremely anxious when someone's driving above the speed of 50.

I usually find ways to deal with my problems... And avoidance has never been my game. But the fear factor is the one I am unable to deal with... I wish I knew what to do... Yes going to a therapist is definitely a very good option, but as of now I consider myself as functional. So I think there is still time for that. May be some of them will go away with time... And if they don't, I think I will go for some other way out...